The day I went to visit the Esperanza School will be a memory I will have forever. Driving down the dusty road just about ten minutes from where I work I could see as we pulled up that this was going to be hard. My friend Doris and I were going to a board meeting that day to tell them about the fundraiser we wanted to put on at the Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort to help support their needs.
To back up on this story- I should mention that I have done Seva work in Haiti with an organization called Devoted to Children. Having traveled to Haiti and seeing the state of affairs there- I didn't think anything would compare.
Well on this sunny day in Costa Rica- I felt like I was right back in Haiti. The walls around the back of the building were falling down, crumbling into gray dust at our feet. Mold was crawling up along the walls that were still intact. Electric wires strung to a single bulb. Ceiling tiles falling down, and a make shift kitchen that had a stove in it that looked extremely unsafe. There were boarded up windows to the pre existing cafeteria that was deemed unsafe by engineers after the 7.6 earthquake hit in 2012.
2012! Here we are in 2015 and nothing has been fixed? The kids were there that day and they played in what looked like an open hanger for storage on a cement slab with trucks and cars zooming by on the main road just steps away.
My heart was in my stomach. I have been so blessed to witness all the beauty Costa Rica has to offer. I have been a guest in their country year after year. The awareness of what is going on and where these kids are attending school hit my consciousness like a whack. WAKE UP. SEE.
To spread the word of this fundraiser is not only to help raise money to make a change and build a better school for these kids. Yes that is what they need and that is why we are doing this... BUT I also feel like spreading the word of what day to day living is like just right down the road- it has to effect our global consciousness even if in a very subtle way. The more we shine light on what is really truly going on in the world we are in- it's then that we can come together to help one another. To wake up and see. I think that is the bigger message here. Then once the message hits- what will you do with it?
This conference is going to help show you what to do. It will give you the tools to not feel like it is too much... or that you can't do enough. You will learn from experts that have mastered how to reach others, gather a community and create massive positive changes in our world.
I simply can not wait.
Much love,
Stacy Seebart